Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Advanced Sports Nutrition

Advanced Sports Nutrition

Lyle "L3" (Wisconsin, USA) give "Advanced Sports Nutrition" 5 stars. Lyle said that this exceptional book is not a "one stop reference"; thats an idea that people often look for in a fitness book, that probably doesn't really exist. Quality fitness books should be added to your library, taken for what they are and what they offer, and compared to other similar books to create a bigger picture or understanding as it applies to you...there is no single perfect "way" when it comes to nutrition, much like training for your chosen sport. This fitness book is no exception, it is well researched and exceptionally useful, written by an author that applies what he knows to Olympic athletes. As a strength athlete most interested in powerlifting and strongman types of lifting and competition, the chapters referring to this type of training directly are limited and mostly bunched up with wrestlers, etc. under "power athletes", so it isn't exactly what I was looking for, but it still fits the bill in alot of ways as the info is there just not set out by itself under that title. Advanced Sports Nutrition covers a broad range of sports and has tons of useful information on everything nutrition that can be useful to just about anyone. It covers alot of unique as well as general topics. Join it up with a few more fitness books like Nutrition Almanac and you will be on your way to having whatever you need at your fingertips. This book is worth your time and money, you might not realize the extent if its usefulness until you open it up and start putting things together.

Advanced Sports Nutrition containts 5 parts:

Part I Nutritional Sources for Athletes
-energy nutrients, vitamins/minerals, fluids/electrolytes, and ergogenic aids

Part II Nutritional Aspects of Optimal Performance
-timing, absorption, oxygen, and inhibitors

Part III Factors Affecting Nutritional Needs
-travel, altitude, gender/age, and body comp/weight

Part IV Nutritional Strategies for Specific Energy Systems
-Metabolism for endurance/power (anaerobic/aerobic), and needs for both

Part V Nutritional Plans for Specific Sports
-Power/speed sports, endurance sports, and combined power/endurance sports.
View Advanced Sports Nutrition details

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