Thursday, October 9, 2008

Merit Fitness 715T Treadmill

Merit Fitness 715T Treadmill

What is the most beneficial cardiovascular exercises for people of all ages, body types, and fitness levels? Walking can answer that question! As a fundamental form of aerobic training, walking has numerous physical benefits for the heart, lungs, and circulatory system, while also increasing muscle tone and burning fat calories. Treadmills provide a convenient way to regularly exercise in all weather conditions in the comfort and safety of your own home.
From beginners just starting an exercise regimen to advanced athletes looking to maintain their fitness level, anyone interested in getting and staying in shape can benefit greatly from regular use of a treadmill. Treadmills allow you to determine the pace, distance, and complexity of the workout based on your needs, all while watching television, talking on the telephone, or reading a magazine. Much easier on sensitive joints like the knees and hips, treadmill walking and running surfaces are typically long, padded platforms that allow ample room for a long stride and comfortable, low-impact walk or jog without the harsh contact of a concrete surface.

Many treadmills offer unique features like a fold-up design for easy storage, an electronic display monitor showing speed, distance, workout time, incline level, and burned calories, and EKG grip pulses to monitor the heart rate while exercising. Regardless of the features you may choose, treadmills offer an array of aerobic exercise opportunities that will provide long-lasting cardiovascular benefits without requiring a commute to the gym or a jog in the rain.

Merit Fitness 715T Treadmill is a great choice for both walkers and recreational runners to get in shape without breaking the bank. Merit Fitness 715T Treadmill offers a 1.25-horsepower continuous-duty motor, with a speed range of 0.5 to 10 miles per hour and an elevation range of 0 to 10 percent. The computer console, meanwhile, includes three LED windows that track your resistance level, speed, time, and distance, along with four quick keys for instant adjustments. Other details include two cup holders, a thumb pulse heart rate monitor, a fold-up frame, and four preset programs: manual, intervals, rolling hills, and weight loss. Merit Fitness 715T Treadmill has multiple windows for easy feedback access, four preset programs, and folds easily for storage.

Merit 715T treadmill features:
  • Motor: 1.25 continuous horsepower, 2.25 total horsepower
  • Speed range: 0.5 to 10 miles per hour
  • Elevation range: 0 to 10 percent
  • Running area: 16 x 45 inches
  • Running deck: 15 mm
  • Cushion system: AeroSoft
  • Belt thickness: 1.3 mm
  • Roller size: 42 mm
  • Weight capacity: 250 pounds
  • Warranties: Lifetime on the frame, 1 year on the motor, 90 days on parts and labor

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Unknown said...

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